Sinus Surgery

Post-Operative Instructions – Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Patient Information
Endoscopic sinus surgery is performed intranasally and is recommended only after it has been determined that medical management has been unsuccessful. Surgery, medical management , and failure to intervene all have risks, including as a group, postoperative bleeding, orbital complications, intracranial extension, leakage of cerebrospinal fluid, persistent or recurrent nasal obstruction due to failure to manage polyps and recurrent nasal or sinus infections.
Radiographs and endoscopic findings, considered in conjunction with the patient’s clinical status following medical evaluation and therapy, will identify the appropriate sinuses to treat.

You can eat anything you want as long as it doesn’t contain aspirin. Restart aspirin 3 days after surgery unless instructed otherwise.

You can shower or bath.

Contact Dr. Szwarc is there are any vision problems.

Contacting Dr. Szwarc:
First, call the office if it is daytime. The number is 229-226-1443. The office staff is often the quickest way to locate Dr. Szwarc. At night or when the office is closed, call the hospital operator at (229) 228-2000 and state your name and phone number where you can be reached. Ask the operator to page Dr. Szwarc or the ENT on call.

Contact Dr. Szwarc according to the above instructions. If Dr. Szwarc is away, another physician will be covering emergencies.
Go to the emergency room if an urgent problem arises.

Additional Information
A little bleeding from the nose is normal. You can put a piece of gauze under the nose and tape it to your cheek.